Sunday, November 23, 2008


Are you familiar with Treasuries on Etsy?? If not, here's a really quick explanation. Treasuries are created by Etsy members (called curators, just like at an art gallery!) and are designed to give curators a chance to highlight some of their favorite shops and items. Sometimes they are themed and sometimes not, it's up to the curator. There are only a certain number of Treasuries allowed at once, so you need to watch the numbers and grab one when they become available. Once a Treasury is created people can view them and leave comments. Treasuries only exist for a period of time (ranging from 1 to 3 days) so there are always new Treasuries to check out.


I was lucky enough to snag a Treasury on Etsy on Saturday, which is pictured above. If you know me at all (do you?) you know that I love The Office, and this Treasury was inspired by Dwight Schrutte on The Office because he always wears a mustard colored shirt. I also LOVE the color yellow, so I was able to combine two loves into one Treasury!

It was fun to search through tons of items on Etsy tagged as "mustard" and pick my favorites. I was really excited that I was able to find items from two of my favorite Etsy shops; RooksPaperScissors (the note cards in the middle of the third row) and TimothyAdamDesigns (the necklace in the middle of the second row). Take some time to check out their shops - you'll love them!

Andrea from RooksPaperScissors is someone that I "met" through Etsy and I think her items are so beautiful. She has given me some great advice and listened to me whine a bit - I'm so lucky to have met her!

Timothy from TimothyAdamDesigns posts in the Etsy forums a lot and offers features on his blog and lots of great advice. He has some awesome tutorials on his blog and he's in the forums a lot offering ideas for promotion, answers to questions, etc.

If you want to check out other Treasuries go to the Etsy main page, select "Buy", then select "Treasury".

1 comment:

kimforbeads said...

I left you a special comment on Friday's blog check it out.