Sunday, August 17, 2008


I love paper! It's just ridiculous how much I love it! Yesterday I went to Craft's Direct in St. Cloud, which is about 40 minutes from my house. I go there about once a month and I need to go up and down every aisle in the scrapbooking/stamping/cardmaking section, which is about 6 aisles. I look at books, stamps, rub-ons, special project materials and then comes the paper. There's one aisle for paper, but it's extra wide with a section in the middle too so it's almost like two aisles.

I typically have a list of items I need based on the projects I'm planning to make, but once I hit the paper aisle it's all over. As I look at each paper design I start coming up with new projects, until I've bought way too many pieces of paper! I just can't help myself, it's all so pretty!

I spent a good hour in the store, and I could have stayed longer but I did have an anniversary party to attend so I finally left the store and drove another 1.5 hours to the party. My plan was to get back home and start making stuff for my Etsy store ( which I plan to open soon.

It was around 9 p.m. when I got home, and then my daughter and I spent way too much time on the phone with T-Mobile. At one point we were both on hold with T-Mobile waiting to see who could get through first! We have good service and reception with T-Mobile, but I'm telling ya, getting them on the phone is next to impossible. I have held for 45+ minutes before; very annoying. Anyway, we finally got through and ended up ordering her a new phone. Her phone was stolen about a year ago (it was brand new!) and since we had insurance on it we were able to get a replacement for a small fee. Unfortunately (read the fine print!) it was a refurbished phone, and we ended up getting 5 phones before we got one that actually worked. This phone has been nothing but problems and she finally has enough money to buy a new one. I'll really miss hearing her complain about her phone . . . yea right!

It was 11 p.m. before I finally had time to myself, and even thought I had to get up really early I decided to do crafts for a while because I wanted to try out my new stuff! I got some things made, and it would be really nice to add a picture here of what I'm working on . . . but I still don't have my camera. I talked to my cousin yesterday and he assured me it would be on it's way on Monday, so we'll see.

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