Thursday, August 14, 2008

Inventory . . .

I'm spending lots of time building inventory to start my Etsy store, It's a lot of work to create enough items to get started. I don't make many duplicates, so there's creativity involved in each step.

I'm also spending a lot of time researching other Etsy sellers; learning how to price items, how to manage the business side of things, how to package items, etc. I'm so excited to open my store but want to have everything ready before I take that step.

One roadblock is that I don't have my camera right now! I went to a family reunion in Utah in June and left my camera (agh!) in my cousin's truck. He lives in Las Vegas, and getting him to actually ship it back to me is taking much longer than I'd like! I know it's packed in a box, now he just needs to get it out of the house and on it's way to my house! Without a camera it's hard to open an Etsy shop!

Please keep checking for future updates!

1 comment:

Andrea Rooks said...

It sounds like you're going about starting your Etsy store in the right way. It took me more about two months to build inventory, write each description, make a spreadsheet to track sales, and photograph everything (an unsolicited tip regarding photographing: resize your photos to be 1000 pixels by 1000 pixels square -- I didn't do that at first and it delayed the uploading of several of my items when I wanted to do it. Now that I know that, I've got a good rhythm for processing photos before I upload items). Good luck to you!
--Andrea (